EENY MEENY MINY MOE: The Many Faces of Mint Julep

Mint Julep PunchMint JulepFrozen Mint JulepClassic Mint JulepMint Julep



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Mint julep is a mixed alcoholic cocktail, primarily consisting of bourbon, sugar, water, crushed ice, and fresh mint. As a bourbon-based cocktail, it is associated with the American South and the Kentucky Derby.
Preparation: In a highball glass gently muddle the mint, sugar and water. Fill the glass with cracked ice, add Bourbon and stir well until the glass is well frosted. Garnish with a mint sprig.
Served: On the rocks; poured over ice
Standard garnish: Mint sprig
Drinkware: Highball can find a variety of fine glassware at


Mint juleps are summer in a glass!—they are minty, refreshing, a little sweet and boozy. Like so many classic cocktails, the magic of a mint julep is the result of a triumvirate of flavors working together.




To keep this drink alcohol- free be sure that your creme de menthe is also alcohol- free. You’ll need to buy the Creme de menthe syrup, not the creme de menthe liquor. Also, it is fairly potent so don’t use too much or the mint will overpower the other ingredients. 

What is creme de menthe?

Creme de menthe (a French term that means mint cream) comes in two versions: alcoholic and non alcoholic.  The name is deceiving because it's not creamy.

Creme de menthe is just a simple syrup with peppermint extract. Traditionally, it has green dye in it, but it can also be purchased without dye for a clear version.


  • Creme de Menthe: This non-alcoholic creme de menthe syrup gives this drink its signature green hue and mint flavor.
  • Mint-Infused Simple Syrup: You can use plain simple syrup or one infused with fresh mint for a natural flavor.
  • Sparkling Water: This bubbly liquid dilutes the juices and syrups and adds carbonation.
  • Club Soda
  • Frozen Lemonade & Limeade Concentrate: These concentrated fruit juices add tang and sweetness to the drink.
  • 3 cup club soda
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 3 tsp lime juice
  • 6 oz thawed lemonade concentrate
  • 6 tbsp creme de menthe syrup
  • green food coloring
  • mint leaves for garnish
  • lemon for garnish
  • cherries for garnish


    • In a medium pot, dissolve sugar in club soda by stirring constantly on medium heat. Add lime juice and lemonade concentrate and bring to a boil.
    • Remove from heat and add creme de menthe syrup and food coloring. Chill.
    • Use this mixture as syrup - 3 parts syrup to 5 parts water. Makes about ⅔ gallon.



Non-alcoholic Mint Julep  

  1. Prepare the simple syrup. This can be done ahead of time since it takes a while to cool down. You can speed up the process a bit by rubbing ice cubes around the pot to help the syrup cool down faster. Leftover simple syrup will keep in the fridge for about 3 weeks.
  2. Completely fill glasses with crushed ice. This beverage is served cold! You want the ice to go all the way up to the rim of your glass.
  3. Add ginger ale, or ginger beer and simple syrup in a 2-to-1 ratio. So add ½ cup ginger ale for every ¼ cup of simple syrup.
  4. Garnish and serve! You can keep things simple and garnish with sprigs of mint, add lemon wedges and maraschino cherries on top.




 The addition of fruit juices gives this  mint julep its delicious fruity punch taste...It's mellows out the intensity, yet still has the mint and bourbon flavors.

Take pics of your Mocktails Mint Julep, post them on your social media, AND tag Sip_n_Chill Save the date on ur calendar :)

National Mint Julep Day 5/30/23