Cherry Laffy Taffy

Cherry Laffy Taffy Mocktail

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If you love to make quick and easy cocktails that don't require mixologist skills, this sweet & tangy Laffy Taffy recipe is for you!


  • cocktail shaker, or mason jar



  • In a cocktail shaker/ mason jar, add the vodka, grenadine, and lemon juice.
  • Shake well.
  • Stain into a cocktail glass.
  • Garnish and enjoy!


If the lemon feels too hard to start... to get the most juice out of your lemon, you can microwave it for about 10 seconds. Next roll it on the counter, pressing down with the heel of your hand.

  • If you like a delicious fizz, top with a splash of club soda like in the pic above!
  • Rim the cocktail glass in sugar for presentation. You can use our Cocktail Rimmer 
  • Warning:  Since this is already sweet, rimming the glass might push you over the edge if you aren't into super sweet drinks.
  • You can make your own sour mix if you prefer =  sour mix is fresh lemon and simple syrup. I think that is too sweet when paired with the grenadine. But if you like drinks really sweet, you can use homemade sour mix, or store bought, as a substitute for the lemon juice.


Take pics of your Mocktail Cherry Lafffy Taffies & post them on your social media, AND tag Sip_n_Chill Save the date on ur calendar :)