Colección: Beer 1 case = 24 cans

Non-alcoholic beer is healthier than regular beer in multiple ways. 

First, non-alcoholic beer will not make you feel drunk or hungover. While some alcohol-free beers contain up to 0.5% alcohol by volume (ABV), that’s usually not enough to cause symptoms of drunkenness, such as poor judgment, drowsiness, and loss of balance.

Because non-alcoholic beer won’t get you drunk, it also won’t pose the health risks associated with excessive drunkenness. These risks include:

  • alcohol poisoning
  • violent behaviors, including homicide, suicide, and sexual assault
  • injuries from motor vehicle crashes, falls, drownings, or other accidents
  • sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies 

Similarly, unlike regular beer and other alcoholic drinks, non-alcoholic beer will not increase your risk of health problems such as:

  • liver disease
  • cardiovascular diseases, including high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke
  • certain cancers, including breast cancer, liver cancer, and colon cancer
  • alcohol addiction (also called alcohol use disorder), a disease that makes you feel unable to stop drinking alcohol

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